Good start, but needs key features
So far this is shaping up to be a good satellite watching program, but here are some features that would be very useful:
1. Show the number and age of the elset being used so that observations can be later verified.
2. Info field that shows whether a satellite is an active payload.
3. Allow the user to disable automatic updating so that observations can be attempted using aged elsets.
4. In the search, allow filters to be used based on type of satellite, active payloads, will be visible within X time period, etc.
The reason these features are useful to amateur astronomers is the requirements for the Astronomical Leagues EOSOC satellite observing award program. If we can access that information from the app it removes the step of tracking down the elset info from Celestrak. If those features get added into a future release, it will definitely be worth the money. As it is Im on the fence as to its ultimate usefulness to serious amateur astronomers.
AstroZamboni about
Satellite Safari, v1.0