I am writing this review as a satellite observer and iPhone 4 user. Overall, I think it is very well done a provides most of what an observer is looking for in a mobile app. I would suggest a few improvements to make it a 5 star app. As others have mentioned, including Iridium flare events is a must. The satellite view is a useless diversion and having both orbit and ground track views is largely redundant. I would like to see the next 2 orbits of a satellite plotted in orbit view since only one satellite is plotted. In sky view, I would like to see tracks for all visible satellites as this would cue me in to watching for interesting conjunctions.
I like being able to move forward and back in time, but would also like to be able to input a date and time.
A couple of quirks noted:
The slide bar for limiting magnitude is too sensitive and invariably changes value as I lift my finger from the screen. Would prefer a menu of magnitudes or just a keyboard to type a value in.
In info view, satellite lat/long is immediately available and updating but can take 10 seconds before distance starts updating.
Cant get alert notifications to work.
Conclusion, good app and worth the money and hoping for further improvements.
LesLL about Satellite Safari